November 13, 2014

So Apparently I'm a Bride

And I don't 100% know what that means except that I tricked a wonderful boy into marrying my particular brand of crazy and now I get to pick out pretty colors (hello blush and bashful!) and dresses and everyone tells me 'Yes.... of course that is beautiful' and 'This is YOUR day' all of the time.

So it's pretty great and I'm pretty sure Beyonce's everyday existence is just like this.

The other part about being a bride is that you're expected to plan an actual wedding.

If you've spent any amount of time on Pinterest these days, you know that weddings are a real BEAST.

I listened to this podcast once about an organization that teaches refugees that come to America about how to function in America.... topics in class range from 'how to use a debit card' to 'how to shop for groceries'.  They interviewed a number of people who had successfully transitioned to life in America about what they remembered from their first months in America.  Most of them mentioned being overwhelmed by the amount of choices.  One recounted a particularly traumatizing venture to the store to buy deodorant.

Have you guys ever thought about how many different kinds of deodorant there are?  All of them variations on the same theme: don't have smelly pits.

So Pinterest is like that except for brides.  And I didn't come to this Pinterest Bride Party completely unprepared.  I have been dreaming about throwing this epic party for years.  I'm coming to the table with actual opinions about color schemes and centerpieces, and I still feel overwhelmed.

But the great news is that the wonderful boy I've tricked into marrying me is also a great co-planner, and much better at pulling the trigger and making decisions than I am.

In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to document the planning process as we stumble our way through it right here on my blog.

And, who knows... if we can't reach a consensus about one of the myriads of decisions we're being asked to make over the next several months, we might just poll you and then blame you when it doesn't turn out perfectly.

Sounds like an ideal plan to me!

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