July 27, 2017

Things That Are (Sort of) Getting Me Through

My coffeemaker

The new seasons of Game of Thrones and Insecure

Anonymous comrades on the internet who have also been "in the shit"

But one day there will be less tears (from both of you), and all of the frustration, anger, guilt and resentment will have somehow evaporated. You may not sleep a full night 100%, or even 50% of the time. But the wake-ups will become less a disruptive, if not an accepted part of parenting your growing child.

And you will have found a strength within your spirit that you never knew existed.

Taking a social media break and the associated self-comparison and self-doubt.

Reading good books

Remembering the moment he was born... somehow in the roughest moments remembering the magic of that one can really help.

Asking for help.  This one is a work in progress.

To any other moms that find themselves struggling with the sleep deprivation and feelings of failure and helplessness associated with a "fussy" baby, keep your chin up.  You are definitely not alone out here in the muck and mud of this experience.  Try to do something nice for yourself sometimes and don't feel bad about putting the baby in a safe place and walking away for a few minutes.


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