March 13, 2012


Well one hour, 2 sports bras, an ibuprofen, and a gallon of water later.... and I survived my first day of fitness boot camp.

It wasn't pretty, though, and I was basically doing the remedial fitness boot camp workout, but, hey, I got through it.

"Why two sports bras?" I imagine some of you precious darlings are asking.

Well, kids... you see, I have a lot of what I like to call "personality" up top.

You know.... personality.  

My girl Christina knows what's up.
And all of this personality makes exercising/jogging/sometimes even just walking uncomfortable. But I've devised a foolproof method of handling this... basically my foolproof method is a torture device composed of two ill-fitting sports bras.  It works, but it's not exactly comfortable or attractive.

Basically, this comic from Busty Girl Comics (aka the story of my life) sums it up pretty perfectly:

Only 23 more workouts to go!


  1. lol...i LOVE you. :)

    hey, where are you doing this bootcamp?

    1. It's through Fitness Boot camp Wichita and they meet at several different parks throughout the Wichita area. I'm doing the one that meets at Riverside Park.

  2. you go girl!!!! also i like how you put that with your personalities!! :D

  3. I am proud of you for not perishing and making it back to tell us the tale of the boot camp.
    Perhaps I should get myself a couple of sports bras...


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